Once again, Tenkaippin

After last week’s St. Louis downhill, Ckucke  and I met Root for post ride food.  We went down the hill to Tenkaippin.  This time around, I tried the Miso-aji ramen. The broth was lighter and thinner than the broth used with the Kotteri and Assari ramen. Instead of distinct, seperate toppings, there is a cooked mix of moyashi (mung bean sprouts), green onion, cooked ground pork, and diced charsiu. There wasn’t really a strong miso flavor in the broth. Of the three varieties I’ve tried, this was the only one I didn’t really like.  This was unexpected, since the other things I’ve had here have been great.  Maybe it’s just my personal taste and preferences (the crew knows how much I hate moyashi).

Not recommended unless you are a total miso ramen fan (try the other varieties instead)

One-and-a-half grinning monkeys out of four

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