Back Home

Musubi’s back home already! Right now she’s in a new pen inside the house, there was a little bit of excitement when I got her home and out of her carrier. She showed some pretty unexpected spunk and wriggled away from me. Had to quickly grab her and get her into the pen. Once in, she’s quiet, and purrs away when petted. The people at the vets call her the Engine for how much she purrs! It’s pretty encouraging and the doc said this was a very gratifying case. Initial exam & x-rays indicated it was pretty severe, her pelvis was fractured in seven places at least. When I took her in, she had no nerve response in her leg. Things look much better now. The major fracture was wired back, the rest the doctor left alone. The leg has pain response and she can kind of stand on it if prompted. She’s got a ways to go, but she’s one lucky kitty! Oh, and seeing her tail in x-rays is a trip, it’s got quite the kink, perfect for holding the princesses ring. Go look that up, it’s a folk tale with Persian cats having kink in tail.

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