Mighty Clouds

Even after doubling back to get something I forgot at work, I managed to get home in time to take the bike out once again on Monday. The weather wasn’t as nice as last Wednesday with thick, opaque clouds crowning the mountaintops, but it didn’t appear like rain was imminent, so I took a chance on taking a spin. The weather held, but there wasn’t a single moment where the looming overcast parted to allow even a spot of sun to reach my path. Again, the limiting factor was a matter of seating, so the duration of the ride coincidentally ended up being almost exactly the same. I managed a couple more kilometers this time out. The two rides bracketed this month’s full-moon night hike, so I’m not sure how all the pain/fatigue dynamics work out, like whether Wednesday’s ride set me up for more pain on Friday night, or Friday’s hike left me drained for Monday.

D = 12.68 km (7.88-miles), Vavr = 17.7 km/h (11.0-mph), Vmax = 38.5 km/h (23.9-mph), T = 43-minutes

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