Well now, what a surprise, guess who’s back? Another morning job on the Koko Crater stairs. Guess they needed to mix it up a bit and break uo the routine, this time around in addition to dropping off the stretcher to the ground crew,
HFD swung back and a guy did a rapel down the line! Hey man, gotta get everyone in the action as long as we’ve got this bird burning fuel, they came around again and did a second rapel!
Then they got the victim hooked up and pulled him/her out. Kinda wonder if this injury was a bit more serious than the others, they seemed to be taking it slower.
5 Responses to “Rescue Routine”
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Mark my words, they’re gonna shut that trail down soon.
They’re going to have to take it off the approved trail list making any access “reckless”, so all rescues can be billed to the victim. According to Ckucke, if you get injured accidentally on an approved trail, they don’t bill you for the rescue, unless you were intentionally engaging in reckless or hazardous behavior. Removing it from the approved list makes all use reckless… like Sacred Falls, Haiku stairs, and the waterfall of death on Kauai.
Yeah, Oni, Risu, Fab, Scat we better hit up this trail soon to take in all the scenic views. My knees can’t take doing this trail much either, so we should do it before it’s too late.
Root……Hell no.
I don’t need no heart attack and then have the Rescue chopper come and get me!
okay sounds good. pretty soon I wont be able to either, getting too buss up.
Yeah, so if youre off someplace and need a helo pickup, it cost around $35k/per vic according to some folks that just needed a pickup outlawing above Sacred Falls.