Busy HFD

Saturday as we were finishing up the brake job on the Dodge, I heard a HFD truck approaching. Scat and eye looked at each other and immediately the thought was, oh, here comes HFD1! The pump truck however turned onto side street that wouldn’t be a normal route to the hiking trail. Looks like a house call. Ambulance followed some minutes later.

HFD1 did fly by later though, but it surprisingly did not go to Koko Crater. More sirens, but none going up our street so looks like it really wasn’t Koko Crater.

Scat and I hopped into the Dodge for a test cruise. As we were going down Lunalilo Home Road, I spotted HFD1 hovering along the Koolau ridge. Uh oh. As we got closer, I could see the flourescent green/yellow of the ground crew hiking up Yoga Sisters ridge and a bevy of HFD trucks at the skate park.

The test drive successful, we spin by the liquor store to pick up some beers, and I see HFD ladder truck and EMT in the corner by Longs.

Damn they are having a busy day!

And I wonder if they found whoever they were looking for up the ridges, I can hear HFD1 in the distance as I’m writing this Sunday evening!

1 Response to “Busy HFD”

  • Mark my words…!

    Guess my usual words don’t apply here. Yeah, what the hell was going on that day? Poor guys.

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