
The end is nigh, unless the incoming equipment for my flight tomorrow gets rerouted due to weather conditions.  Supposedly the near-typhoon level winds are supposed to subside a little tomorrow, but you never know.  Time to drink my Silk Yebisu and take the bindings off my board as the wind roars around the building, and the doors and windows breathe in and out like something out of a horror movie.  I swear the winds in town today are at least 150% as strong as the wind that shut down Kokusai yesterday.  I literally got blown across a sidewalk and into a bollard and hedge.  Luckily it wasn’t that cold, as that would have made the whipping snow much more needle-like, though the warmth put the streets and sidewalks right in that ultimate danger range of 0C to 2C where things are at their slipperiest.  I’ve seen it worse in town, like where you have to use the bootpack to not get stuck in the thigh-deep snowdrift that was once a sidewalk.

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