Jumping the Cock

Monday, 23 June 2014

I was glad to get out on the bike after not getting any ride time for a full week. A freeway jumper made my Wednesday commute time triple, landing me at home after dark, and the weather deteriorated by Friday, making the weekend a wash. I did some interval sprints to get the heart rate up with some easy laps in between to bring up the distance and build up the saddle tolerance. On the way home, I hit the water valve jump and ended up airing over a surprised and very upset rooster who was scratching for food on the landing slope. If he had on pants, he would have… well, you know.

D = 13.1 km, Vavr = 16.8 km/h, Vmax = 38.8 km/h, T = 47-minutes, A/D = 150 m

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