Beer Is Good – Full Sail Imperial Stout

Dang he wasn’t messing around, yet another imperial stout gift! This one from Oregon’s Full Sail. Pours opaque dark dark, practically black, brown, very light head. The dark kinda peaty smoke aroma immediately detected from opening the bottle. Bourbon and cask detectable from the start. Dark malt, but surprisingly not that heavy on the roast flavor, bitter pretty modulated. The astringent stays on the tongue for a little while, but it doesn’t have the bite of a heavy hop. The 9.5% ABV is not as masked in this as the other imperials I just had, it doesn’t have as much sweet covering things. Mouth feel is medium, not as heavy as might expect, but the carbonation is light. Like most good stouts, it takes well to warming, but doesn’t seem to really bloom much either. Oh myyyy, that ABV is kicking in now!

A solid 3 out of 4 casky monkeys.

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