It’s allergy time again. Island-wide, the Formosan koa (acacia confusa) have set their pollen-laden yellow puffball flowers. Fun! H-2 is definitely “allergy alley”: Where there isn’t albizia growing, there is Formosan koa deliberately planted.
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A note to the girl with the giant Kardashian-wannabe sunglasses who while trying to tailgate me on the LikeLike onramp in her 9th-gen Civic sedan went sliding into the outside curb in full-lock understeer on dry pavement – your salesman lied to you when he told you that the Honda Civic is a sports car.  …oh, and guess what? I wasn’t even out of second gear!
(0)I loaded the cooler in the boot of my car with ice packs just in case there was still some Hokke left at Shirokiya’s Hokkaido Fair. Score! An older lady and me got the last ones. 20% off to boot! Got some prepared sardines too. Tomorrow’s dinner is going to rock!
(0)Man, am I turning into the tea snob? I just bought $20 of “sipping teas†(not kranky teas for masala chai) and a mortar and pestle specifically for use to grind my masala chai spices! I’m going to have to find some piece of tactical nylon to store all my tea-related things in now… (I’m actually drinking jasmine dragon pearl tea as I post this)
(0)Ooo! I saw some lightly dried, lightly salted Hokke at Shirokiya’s Hokkaido Fair yesterday. It wasn’t cheap ($25 USD), but it isn’t common to see outside of Japan. I would have bought some if it weren’t for the fact that I wasn’t going to be home for several hours, and I didn’t want it to go bad (it was refrigerated). Root might be interested that they also had Matsumae-zuke (which can be expediently made into Matsutaka-zuke). I didn’t taste any (either) nor buy any when I was in Matsumae in 2008.
(0)The new limited filling flavor for the Akimune-an taiyaki is chocolate custard creme. I don’t want! Aaa…
(0)Freakin jarhead in your pickup truck, wake up instead of honking & gesturing as I signal and slow down for my by the books left turn!
(0)Whatever’s happening at Blaisdel better be freakin good, spent close to 40 minutes trapped on ward getting from krapiolani to king st!!
(0)Damn neighbors woke me up. It’s 04:45 dammit! I wish they would toke more and oof less…
(0)I think the only roadster I frown on is the Saturn Sky. Granted, it has an Aisin (Toyota) tranny and 260hp out of a 2-liter D/I turbo I4 which is more than some of my Z3 forebearers – it’s still so… okay, I can’t use the “G” word here, but yeah, you get the picture.  Arturo Junior’s yellow one was weaving in and out of traffic this morning. I guess you really can’t get away from that user demographic when it comes to Saturns…