Archive for the 'SUAR' Category

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Migratory Visitors

Fairy Terns are back at the trees at Richards and Queen.


Long Bridge Water Main Break

Damn you, BWS!


Lightning Storm Power Outage

Damn you, HECO!


USDM Focus Gen3

Saw the new 2012 Focus 5-door today. Quite sharp and aggressively styled.


No Pizza for You!

Cass’s Pizzeria is all papered up and shut down. That didn’t last long. I’m not really sure how long it’s been boarded up.  Even though I pass by almost daily, it’s in the morning, so “not open yet” and “shut down for good” don’t look too different.  Oh well – Fabio said it wasn’t very good anyway.


Long Time No See

I bumped into Clyde from Toyota parts a couple of weeks ago.  He’s alive and mostly well, but hasn’t been at the counter because of a back injury.


Emptying the Spm Queue

OK, amid all the spam bots that leave stuff in our comments, there’s occasinal gems, check this one:

“One day, Xiao Ming another class …. a sudden “rush”(fart) a cry,sitting next to a small U.S. scolded and said: Xiao-Ming Ah ~ if you could not make a noise,?”

WTF?! Machine translation at its best? Makes you wonder what the original was! “I do not want!” “Backstroke of the West”


Damm you, HECO!


Allergy Time

Get ready for the ramp-up of allergy season.  The avocado blooming two weeks ago made my eyes go redder than an albino rabbit, and this week the albizia are starting to go off.  Fun!



0945 Blow-suck overflight. Must be for some movie shoot since that is a fairly unusual aircraft in general aviation.
