This morning, a bunch of non-local news trucks and camera crews were camped out in front of the State office building on Punchbowl, aiming their cameras at Queen’s. Really folks, anything having to do with Rush is not news. Does anyone else find it ironic or hypocritical that he’s spending his cash for a vacation in a blue state? It would be even moreso if the Kahala Hotel and Resort was foreign-owned…
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
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Weird. Alexi from the old MTB XC racing days dropped by McBike on Tuesday. I knew he moved back to the Bay Area years back, but he’s been intermittently returning to the islands. This time, he returned with his >2-year-old daughter.
(0)And you know what, I wish people who’s seat has not been called yet
for boarding would not crowd and cluster around the head of the line.
No way! Wait to board flight from Kahalui to HNL, on baggage loaders
trailer, a DaKine roller Traveler in the same hideous plaid as mine!
There goes my theory that no one else would have that color!
Kahalui airport after finishing job. Took longer than expected. Don’t
go to first bar, Sammys at airport. Ownership diff, they don’t have
Guiness on tap anymore! Was thinking about that during drive. Instead
go to gate 23, the bar here has it, yay!
Damn you! You keep sending me ads for stuff that you wont ship out of country! Like all the cool kitchen gadgets I want!
(0)I dislike the holiday season, not only because it is a thinly veiled attempt to force Judeo-Christian monotheism down non-believers’ throats through habituation by disguising it as a commercial holiday, but also because of the horrid seasonal music. Jack Frost, stay the F away from my nose, you pervert! …and WTF is a “Jingle Horse” anyway?
(0)Not quite a haiku:
Ala Moana Center ground floor
the Odyssey taxi door opens
an explosion of Micronesian children
Saw an old Lexus LS 400 today with the “VIP” tuning thing going on. There was a diecut on the rear windscreen that said, “Simply Discrete – Keepin’ it Simple, Yet Discrete”. Huh? WTF? That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever!
(0)On the domestic flight from Sapporo to Nagoya, the JDM flight attendants were offering drinks and mints up until the wheels came down. On the overseas flight from Nagoya to Honolulu, the “Asian” attendants passed by once with coffee/English tea/green tea, at which point most people still had their during-meal drink, so didn’t need the post meal coffee yet. They even brought out the pre-landing snack just after collecting the dinner trays, and at the appointed snack time, the juice came out, but no effing coffee/English tea/green tea. WTF?! Oh yeah, and where the F was my pre-meal drink that I usually get?  I got it on the outbound flight last week. This crew sucked.