Just got back from Japan. JO 084 from Nagoya had a good tailwind, so came in about half-an-hour early. There was a fair amount of turbulence though, but not as much as would have been expected from the doom notices given by the flight crew before takeoff.  I could immediately see why I couldn’t get my customary “C” seat, since the majority of the flight was taken up by a school trip. Nothing quite like being surrounded by shrieking schoolgirls! Too bad I was instead seated next to all the freak “normal” passengers, like the girl next to me with her overdone fingernails who stirred her food but didn’t eat any of it, and goofy ADD hip-hop sideways hat nervous energy dude whose mere presence made me want to just clobber him.
(0)Archive for the 'SUAR' Category
Page 32 of 48
Don’t worry. I’ll upload pictures to the posts and get some stuff up on the gallery when I get back. The blog interface doesn’t quite work as designed with whatever version of IE that is resident on this machine.
(0)The crew will all remember walking in the cold down to 7-11 at the bottom of Kita 3 from the ekimae Century Royal hotel in Sapporo on many an occasion. Well, there’s a Family Mart on the first floor now. I think you can even access it from inside the hotel lower lobby. Kuso!
The section of street between Oodori and the JR Sapporo-eki is all ripped up and is a sea of undulating metal plates and temporary asphalt. There will eventually be an underground arcade connecting the two, but for the past couple of seasons, it’s been a mess. Couple this with the younger generation who doesn’t know how to “walk left” like lanes of automobile traffic, and you have anarchy! Chikusho!
There are no actual bike messenger services in Sapporo to my knowledge, but there are at least half a dozen hipsters on their stupid fixies doofing around town making a mess of things. Double-kuso!
(0)Yet another cloudless day, the riding was fun, we scoped out the
resorts, it was a good trip. Plane boarding soon,
Yet another cloudless day. After warming up, taking vitamins, back is
good to ride. Snowbasin limited, but decent. Looks like it will be
excellent when filled in.
I blame Park City. Should have taken that day off. I guess trying to
ride 7 days straight was too optimistic. My back is not good, I’m
doubtful I will be able to ride, on potentially the best day, curses!
PF! What is it about us & hotel fire alarms! Ears ringing from fire
alarm going off at 1:40Am. It’s finally off. Awake now!
& my back is feeling bad now too, not sure if I’ll be able to ride.
Another cloudless blue bird day, even warmer than yesterday. Late
start. Decide to hit Solitude which is in same area as Brighton.
Ticket is full price, kinda hurts since only four lifts running. But
were here in the name of recon. The groomed geland is scrubbed away
hardpack in the steep sections, but there are soft untracked sections.
Hopping the turtle beginner lift takes us over to the other side where
we discover a motherload of soft untracked area! I struggle and get
mean bacl leg burn since my bindings are only one click back of
centered. Take time to move bindings back and we hit the soft stuff a
couple more times.
We are happy. Tomorrow Snow Basin opens with a reported 30″ base. That
is what is on our menu!
Okay, clear skies and no new snow overnight, and my legs are somewhat tired from yesterday. I think I’ll head down to the otaku district and look for some manga and toys today. It’s supposed to get cloudy in the afternoon, so there should be some new stuff tomorrow morning. Maybe I’ll head out tomorrow. No sense wasting my energy and $40 for unnecessary punishment today.