Archive for the 'SUAR' Category

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Dang it, home PC went kaput last night. Been flaky for a while, finally gave up. Tried getting into windows recovery, no goo. Boots far enough to ask if you want to run the recovery. Wonder if i can find a XP machine locally.



With the soon to come cell phone ban during driving, we’ve been talking about the other stupid things we’ve seen people doing while driving. I’ve seen someone reading a news paper, someone curling eyelashes, Risu witnessed someone eating a bowl of cereal. About a week ago I saw someone trimming his toenails! So what about all these people?


Second Burn

Taro, it’s all your fault! Bastard!


Share the road, with your bumper!

I like that, car with Share The Road with bicyclist and pedestrians bumper sticker making left at intersection with left on green arrow only, but light is red, pedestrian crossing street had to motion and hold out hand for car to stop. And then car continues on as soon as pedestrian is out of way. Oh, and I caught up with that car at the next red light.


Share the Road, with your bumper!

I like that, car with Share The Road with bicyclist and pedestrians bumper sticker making left at intersection with left on green arrow only, but light is red, pedestrian crossing street had to motion and hold out hand for car to stop. And then car continues on as soon as pedestrian is out of way. Oh, and I caught up with that car at the next red light.



Dang it! Pentax has released two weather resistant SLR lenses that are inexpensive. Wonder if any other company will follow suit? Doubt it since no other company has a relatively inexpensive DSLR camera body that is weather resistant. That’s been one of my wishes for the Canon xxD line of cameras, weather resistance. The additional fuzzy ‘seals’ on the battery and CF doors is a joke, although Canon makes no claims about those.


I Don’t Want!

Kuso! I spilled my Pils! F!


He’s a Demon for Chrissakes!

Saw a semi-homeless Taurus wagon today with a SD Inuyasha sticker on the rear windscreen above diecuts that read: “It’s not what man thinks, but what God says that matters”. You realize that the little character you think is so cute/macho/dreamy/etc. IS AN EFFING DEMON, right? You realize that this “annie may” character was created from ideas from a non-Christian culture, and the mere suggestion of his existence is tantamount to blasphemy in your religion, right? How does that sit in your stomach now? From the junk level inside the car, this is not a young person – probably one of the scary, obsessive, older fangirls that creep me out when I go to anime conventions. Probably Costco-sized too… Yeah, I went there.


Stay off the Streets!

I thought back-up sensors on a Mini Cooper was bad. Today at Costco HK I saw a new Mazda CX-7 with FRONT sensors! If you can’t see what’s effing in front of you, YOU PROBABLY SHOULDN’T BE DRIVING!



Forget “TGIF”! I’m thinking “TBIIAS” (Too Bad It Isn’t Already Saturday). Yes, my glass is half empty.
