Although they’ve been out for a while, I haven’t seen many of the Saturn (Opel) Astras around until this month. True to form, it seems that even though this is a rebadged Euro car instead of a quirky, ugly American car of questionable mechanical integrity, the end-user demographic remains the same – the, “we’re earthy but we won’t buy a Suby because they’re Japanese/we drive with disregard to all other drivers almost as badly as VW GTI drivers,” -type people.
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Mom just passed away this morning. Wasnt there, but nurse said it was
peacefull. When we left last night she was sleeping and my dad
remarked that she looked like an angel. Nurse said throughtout the
night that was how she was. Thank goodness.
Oh damn, at Queens. Mom had stroke w/a pretty bad hemmorage. Shes
going in for 2nd CAT scan right now. She will be going for surgery.
She’s pretty cognitive but cannot speak & no response from right side
of body. Writing this as much to calm myself as anything.
Oh, sorry, the earthquake power outage was two yeArs ago. Hour 11, no
power. radio said to expect longer.
What is this, a new Hawaii holiday tradition?! It was just about a
year ago when the power went out island wide. At least there was a
fairly valid reason for it with a eartjquake. About 45 minutes ago,
just when i left work, the power went out and i watched it cascade and
follow me home. Way to go HECO, sign that the grid is overloaded.
Frikn 3g network w/phone. sitting here in Mapunapuna, full bars,
couldn’t make a phone call back to office until i turned 3g off.
Ah… the holiday season is upon us once again – the time other than late March/early April when we get bombarded by thinly veiled Western religious dogma programs being passed off as “documentaries” on the supposedly historical or learning-related channels. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me, since they have a program glorifying terrorism in international waters…