Finished my pieces for the Rockabilly Surf Show this weekend. Had a battle with brain-fart trying to get properly sized frames… bought 16×20, thought they were too big since the working areas of the 12×16 sheets was 8×12, took them back and got the next size down which was 11×14, got them home and discovered those were too small, and went back to re-get the 16×20’s – that was $15 in gasoline I didn’t need to spend!  Dropped them off with Eric at the gallery this morning on the way to get my morning ITM at Lion’s cafe.
Three watercolors – two “pin-up girls” and one “monster hot-rod”. Originally was going to make two of each, but the second “monster” image, a turbodiesel chopper, didn’t resolve in time. Had to crank out the pieces in less than 2 weeks, but if I had advanced notice, I’d probably have procrastinated until the last moment anyway (like the upcoming Showcase 2007 at the HAA…)! I’ll put the images up on the gallery after the show opens.Â
Show opening and reception is Thursday, 31 May 2007 from 18:00 to 20:00 at the Chinatown Boardroom, 1160 Nuuanu Avenue (one door makai of the Pegge Hopper Gallery). Scat, Tracy (not Stacy), and Kris Higa will also have works at the show. I was a last-minute addition through Scats’ influence (thanks, Scat!), so my name isn’t on the manifest.
Hope you don’t mind risu, I stuck in link to Chinatown Boardrooms URL, although it doesn’t really give any more additional info. Will check out the show!