Memorial Day 2007 Kamp Part 2
Yawn. What time is it anyways? Drat its already starting to get hot. And what is that I hear?
Through the just-woke-up fuzz, I hear “Uncles we’re hungry!”
I hit the mental snooze button, because my spine is telling me to stay down. I think that lasted 5 minutes before I heard one of the Boys was up and trying to get brekkie stuff together. I grunt a few times, mumble a few choice words, check the boots for centipedes, and I’m up. Sort of.
Coffee. Need. Coffee.  Wheres my… DAMMIT! Coffee Filter is forgotten at home! With the Coffee!
This might be a good time to note that for 9 adults and 5 children, 12 eggs isnt quite enough; but 8 Kielbasa Sausages is too much.
Ok no problem; someone is smart and decides NOT to cook all 8 sausages; and Uncles anally retentively divide 12 scrambled eggs into equal portions. I skipped the eggs in case there wasnt enough, and supplemented with leftover salad. but there was enough egg after all, so I finished the meal with some egg and a whole pile of sausage.
Mmm, now that we’re fed, its time to bring the fishies and the duckies their breakfast. Some years ago, we discovered you can buy bread that is “unsuitable for human consumption” as “animal feed” from the local bakeries, like orowheat and holsum for a really good price. This is what we feed to the fishies and duckies. Hiking down to the lake, I was kind of disappointed to see some areas are really overgrown with an elodia (?) a common aquarium plant. It was so thick in places that the ducks didnt dare go into it. Also where we used to see numerous catfish there are none. in fact, I didnt see a single catfish. I think I saw 3 nene’s running around, they were new. Also there were the coots hanging around; but they are very timid. The lions share of Free Breakfast went to Tilapia’s and Ducks.
After that, I started my take down so everything would be dry.
Then it was already lunch time. More “marinated” charcoal briquettes. We were prepared for this one, so no massive FWOOP. I happened to have a can of hormel chili with tabasco from my emergency kit, so we made some chili dogs. Pretty good for stuff from a can.
Thats about it for Mday Kamp 2007. Although lots of stuff was forgotten, food proportioning slightly shy, and someone coopting my chair, it was pretty nice to get back to Kamp after such a long rest.
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