Must have done something right, the car deities were smiling upon me today. Much thanks go out to Troy who called me in the morning with the news that a fellow Toyotaite, Malcom, called him to tell him that there was a FX16 at ABC Used Auto Parts. A chance like this wasn’t about to happen here on this island again, so I got on the horn and recruited Jay to ride shotgun. Picked him up after lunch and headed out to Pearl City. Darn hot, but that’s better than a spoogefest. Jay spotted it first, tucked behind a few cars, but sitting in a nice clearing.
Was a little doubtful as we approached as I saw lots of rust in the usual places. The driver door had a nice dent, and no glass. But we got around to the passenger to find it intact, and on closer inspection looked to be pretty clean! Opening it and looking more carefully, it looks miraculously rust free, sweet! In fact its about the only body panel of the FX that is NOT rusty. Looking under the hood, find out that its an actual FX16 with the twin cam 4AGE. Autotragic transmission. Not much has actually been picked over yet, just the dizzy, AFM, oil cap.
First things first, start on removing door. I had forgotten to bring my favorite smelling penetrating oil, Kroil (no really, I like the smell of this great stuff), I was expecting some sticky bolts. But amazingly the short 3/8 breaker bar easily undid the hinge bolts. In short order the door is off, so now it’s just gravy. I start to poke around trying to think of things I might want. Grab bunch of relays, can never have enough. Spot the wiper control stalk. Cool, it’s still intact and it’s correct one. I have a too big screwdriver so some of the dash trim screws don’t want to come off. Resort to brute wrenching and munge the plastic. I feel a little bad doing this to perfectly good parts, because I know I get annoyed when I find stuff messed up. But then I figure, who the hell else is going to want FX dash parts. We get the steering center pad out & I have to resort to vice-grip for steering wheel bolt as I didn’t have a socket big enough. Worried might not be enough leverage, but bolt loosens right up. Wow, this is just going too easy. Next was pulling the steering wheel of shaft. Usually use a puller for this. Jay & I proceed to start smacking at the wheel. I’m not expecting it to be easy, but after a few vigorous smacks, it releases. A couple more screws & the assembly is free.
Grab a few more odds and ends. This FX16 gave what I needed pretty easily, it’s like it knew it was going to a good cause to live on. Here’s the other bonus booty I grabbed. As I sit here now, I realise there’s some small parts that I should have grabbed, but oh well.
Got the door home & opened it up and looked at it carefully. It really is in good shape!
Window base has some rust going.
Bottom seam is nicely rust free.
Evidence of a previous repair.
As far as I can see this here is the worst rust on this door at the hinge mount bolts.
Oh, and Jay found me a little bonus lying around, this “Fuller” 13mm combo wrench, made in Japan.
So thanks, Mr. Rodriguez, your loss has made me a happy man, with money left over to go get myself a compressor and spray paint this door some not as mismatching color!
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