On Sunday, not having an operational car, I skipped SCCA autocross, and instead got roused out of bed at 10 by a call to go on over to Musso Kustoms to help with them work on Tracey’s new old Dodge Royal(e). By the time I got there, Chuck and Jay had pretty much taken care of the bulk of work bleeding the brakes & pulling coolant hoses off. Â Not finding a close enough fit for the water housing, Jay cuts off the offending rusty end. Considering this was probably an original piece, it’s still in pretty good shape once the end is trimmed off.
 Install! Beauty of old cars is the lack of spaghetti. Pretty easy to figure out what things do and go. I found the glass mayo like jar windshield washer resivour powered by foot pump pretty funky & cool. I was pretty much moral support, although I did supply the hacksaw. I think we spent as much time waiting for the water system to warm up & wondering wether the thermostat opened or not. And Chucky sticking a finger into the fan. Yes he still has all his digits, he’s not like some bicycle ‘mechanic’, I think this lapse in judgement was marginally better than that. After idling long enough to munch a bunch of habanero Doritos, take a dump, go for a spin around the block, the water level hasn’t changed & we declare it good. The guys read my mind and we all jump in to cruise on over to Los Chaparros. The Royal really rides comfy and quiet, it’s really quite pleasant. Pretty sweet!
Sawing into the battery doesnt seem like such a great idea…..