Went to the McBike bike department bonus dinner last night at the Shogun Restaurant at the Pacific Beach Hotel. Buffet style. Main line was quite pedestrain, with the exception for the presence of goya champuru and shoyu pork. The champuru was looking a little grey, so it didn’t make it onto my plate. The little pitchers that held the soba tsuyu were empty, so my soba sucked even more. There was crab… the smooth one… is that Snow crab? Not the pokey Alaska King crab… Sushi selection was fairly good and quality was not unacceptable. Didn’t try the prime rib or tempura.
Dessert  table was not particularly well-stocked. There was a soft-serve machine with white and brown iced-milk product. I tried the brown soft-serve, a brown cheesecake, and a sloppy piece of cobbler. Now i’ve had apple cobbler and peach cobbler, but this was the first time I’ve had fruit coctail cobbler. It was incredible how the slight lingering warmth and the sourness of the pineapple chunks made it taste like vomit cobbler!
The crab and sushi were good, but I don’t know if I’d go on that ride again if I wasn’t sponsored. About the same overall quality as the buffet at Pagoda.
 Three out of five raised fists of anger.
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