I’ve been missing out on most of the bike rides for the past few weeks in an attempt to finish the artwork for HAA’s Showcase 2007. Over the weekend, I pulled two days of before-noon-to-after-midnight marathon sessions, so now the digital “cel color” finishing is done. Just have to do the backgrounds and some effects stuff. My sciatic already was hurting from changing the shocks on the FJ80, but sitting in front of the PC for days probably made it worse. I should really see Mitch, but his new office is geographically undesirable.
Hopefully I can finish up by this coming weekend and get the printing and framing done. Whistler MTB is coming up, so I have to turn in the artwork before then. I’m pretty happy with how the two pieces are coming out. I’ll have to do a little content editing on one so I don’t get my ass banned from the Academy. Don’t worry – there will be the “Showcase ’07 version” and the “uncensored version”.
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