Only Chris and I made it out for F/R Monday yesterday. Ckucke had a dinner, JT was at an art opening for Tracy’s works, and the Root was not right. The weather was ominously overcast, but no rain had fallen all day.Â
We went down the sideline then dropped onto mainline, then turned off at the powerpole cutoff. Someone has been busy, since the turns along the powerpole cutoff were all bermed in. Climbing back up to the 4-way junction, we discovered in the failing light that someone had built some platforms in the Norfolk Island pine thicket on either side of the inner loop trail. On the uphill side was a head-high platform, and on the lower side, next to the abandoned homeless encampment, was a ramp. Both stunts were constructed from cut-down Norfolk Island pine and store-bought planks. Chris climbed up on the platform and said it felt solid, but after seeing how things were built in BC, the 4″-diameter logs that were being used in this instance looked rather spindly and unsubstantial.
After climbing up the inner loop, we dropped into lower dumps. Having not ridden since returning from Whistler (not even “secret training”), I was getting the arm burn and the quad burn through the rock gardens. There was a little drizzle at the off-camber rock roll-in, but it had ceased by the time I popped out into the light by the white bridge. Finishing the drop, we climbed up agave and dropped down to the road the usual way. There were lots of new jumps built alongside the trails – along the agave climb, on the flat past the junction in the burned-out area, and down along the lower trail. Somebody’s been really busy in the past few weeks!
The sky opened up and let out the rain when we reached McBike, so our timing was just about right. Dinner was at Azteca. Bumped into Bob Mon there – I haven’t seen him in ages.
D = 4.61-miles, Vavr = 8.0 mph, Vmax on trail = 19.1 mph, T = 34-minutes. I didn’t turn the computer on until we were at the park, so the total distance is off.
Pictures here
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