Mada koshi ga itai

Finally had to go and see Mitch yesterday about my back.  I’ve been resisting because of his new office location, but the discomfort grew too great.  I had trouble climbing in and out of the work van all morning, and after lunch just leaning foreward a little sent searing twinges of pain from my back all the way down the back of my left leg to my heel.

This all stems back to putting new shocks in the Land Cruiser months ago.  The pain had decreased before the Whistler MTB trip, and was not an issue during all the riding up there.  Even after I got back it was fine, but this week it just went wild.  After Mitch worked on it, I could bend forward, but it still hurt.  I took a TC3 and hit the sheets.  This morning I felt like a million bucks, then I squatted down to pick up some breakfast cereal that I spilled and wham - the pain was back.  It’s almost lunchtime and the pain seems to be back to pre-breakfast levels. 

Pinched nerves suck.

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