So after the Thunderbird’s show (a slight letdown as the weather hampered the performance) Derek and I hoofed it back on foot from Hale Koa to Ala Moana Shopping Center where we had parked. We knew better than to attempt to drive into Waikiki on this day of chaos what with a parade in the morning and the airshow in the afternoon. We easily beat the auto traffic going into Waikiki, and now returning the traffic was hellacious in both directions. Aside from the heat (or rather the stiffling humidty) it was an easy walk, we made it back to Ala Moana around 4:15PM. So now we pondered the question of whether we wanted to go to the Autumn Okinawa Dance Matsuri final bon dance of 2007 at the Hawaii Okinawa Center in Waipio. Oh my, old fartism is in danger of settling in here, on one hand was feeling a little lazy. But Derek made a convincing argument that what else would we do, just sit around and watch TV, and we’d need to get food anyway. Sorry Roy, I know you left message letting me know you guys were going to check out a movie, but I didn’t want to deal with huffing around my camera gear into the theater and all. Anyway, the decision was made, we should be able to make it to the HOC. So Derek headed to the ground floor parking at the Daimond Head end of AM, I headed up to the beach side top level middle by Neiman Marcus where I had parked. I noticed a line of cars winding through the parking level I was at as I walked toward my car. By the time I got to the car, it was apparant things were fubar. The parking lot is at a standstill. It’s five mintues before I can even back out the stall. Derek calls me on the cell telling me to avoid Ala Moana Boulevard as its packed, and Piikoi looked slow as well. Well, nothing I can do about that, I’m stuck in the parking lot! Derek calls back to tell me that traffic clears up after Ward and its not bad. I’ve moved maybe ten yards. I thank that budha provide for A/C in my dad’s Suzuki. 30 minutes pass and out of boredom I text message Derek that I’m still in the parking lot. Derek text’s back that he’s already at HOC. Sheeze what a mess, if I ever do this again, make note to self not to park on this level!
Close to an hour after Derek, I finally make it to HOC. All is quickly forgotten as the good vibes of festival music and happy dancing fill the air. Air conditioned air, I might add! I know it’s sad, but I was happy this bon dance is indoors in air conditioning!Â
And time for some festival food too! Chili and rice with andadog, where? On the side! Somehow I think if Okinawan’s ate this, I don’t think they’d have the reputation for longevity that they do.
I’m glad I made the effort, it’s too easy to fall into lazyness and veg. And this indoor venue makes for easier photo ops, some pics in the gallery.
Um, 1 hour to circle from Ward Warehouse to Blaisdell on Ward, right onto King, down Pensacola and back to Ward Warehouse.
Poor Taro. And I haven’t heard FUBAR in a while.