I was late to the Monday F/R because I was writing crap on some blog and had to stop by the gasoline store so I’d be able to get up St. Louis without running dry. The crew was sparse – only Ckucke, JT and me, but Pappy swung by the parking lot to make some conversation on his way home to an inconsolably crying child.
It was barely twilight when we got up to the top, but it was nice and cool. We geared up and rode up to the park. The weekend rains were all but dried out, so we dropped down through upper and lower dumps, then climbed up agave and did the normal trail out. Conditions were loose and dusty, especially in the open areas around the hammock-tree and the burnt-out area.
Everyone had some issue or another. Ckucke was the only one who rode the log, but didn’t make it all the way down. JT went off the trail off a jump on the straight section through the burnt-out area. I had forgotten to turn my fork back on after the agave climb and my light went dim, so I had a critical stop on the last switchback before the concrete road and low-sided my ass into a fist-shaped knob on a boulder. That’ll leave a mark…   Got a good bruise going today.
I made it down in the dark following Ckucke, and we headed back to McBike to recover vehicles and get dinner. In front of Puck’s Alley, JT buzzed his front tire against Ckucke’s back tire, and the sound made a nearby innocent bystander jump and nearly soil herself. The ensuing cackling laughter at the buzz ticked her off even more as she probably felt that she herself was being laughed at, so she glowered with an evil stink-eye at the hooligan bikers.
Dinner was at Toritos. I had the Tacos al Pastor. The size was good, but the meat was a little on the tough/dry side, and was gristley. JT and Ckucke had beef-filled burritos. We all noticed that the food this time around was on the salty side, most noticably the salsa. My taco filling had all the cumin in it – my hands still smell like cumin today. The saltiness was borne out this morning with multiple trips to drain the bladder in a short period of time.  I thought the food was better the time we bumped into Mitch there.  Still can’t beat Los Chaparros. Around $9 USD including tip.
D = 3.56-miles, Vavr = 8.7 mph, Vmax = 19.1 on trail, T = 24-minutes Â
Bicycle! Bicycle! I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!
Gurr…one day I shall return!
Huh? What?
Duuude, I was outvoted and ended up going back to Toritos the very next day for lunch with the werk krew. Yes the food was still very salty. The black beans that we all had was almost inedible! everything was salty!
Dude! I went to Los Chaparros the next day for the antidote! Mmm… their Tacos al Pastor are so much better!