Monthly Archive for December, 2007

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Not So MightyVac

Time to catch up on the Corollas. They’re finally both registered and safetied, but still neither are running. The FX needs new transaxle output shaft seals, and power steering reinstalled but it’s out in the driveway making working on it difficult with the recent psychotic rains. So working on the AE86. Picked up a reman steering rack and set about removing the old one.


img_1012.JPG The rack is bolted to the front crossmember and I decided to take out the whole thing. I’ve heard it’s possible to take out without removing the crossmember, but it was all such a spoogy mess from the leaking p/s and brake fluids that taking it all out to clean would be a good idea. It’s actually a fairly simple ordeal. img_1013.JPGDisconnect the steering shaft u-joint, unbolt & pop tie rod ends, unbolt steering arms from bottom of shock strut, unbolt lower control arm tension rods, unbolt anti-sway bar ends, remember to drain & disconnect the p/s hoses, unbolt front engine mounts, support engine, then finally unbolt the four main crossmember bolts and drop the assembly. Hopefully not literally. Continue reading ‘Not So MightyVac’

No Expectations = No Disappointments

Went to E & O Trading Company for the office holiday dinner last night.  Dark with earthy tones and Southeast Asian decor, this trendy Pacific-fusion restaurant takes over the empty space between Compadres’ and Borders at Ward Center once occupied by Jean-Marie Josselin’s Oahu branch of A Pacific Cafe.  The server was polite and pleasant, but it seemed like the wait staff was overstretched – We would go many minutes without seeing our server on many an occasion.  A brief read of the menu indicated that their culinary lean was toward South and Southeast Asia, with Indian, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese influences.  There were some Chinese and Japanese-inspired menu items tossed in for good measure too. Continue reading ‘No Expectations = No Disappointments’

Sticker Shaka

Ho Cuz – wen’ go by Yama’s Fish Market today fo’ get one numba’chree Lau Lau plate, an’, frick – trip me out! Was $9.00 USD wit’ one $0.45USD poi upgrade!  Dat stay $9.94 wit’ tax fo’ dose of youse who no stay get one calcalata’ handy.


The Lau Lau was a little on the dry side today and the poi tasted a little weird (not sour -  I would have liked that actually).  Not up to the standard I’ve come to expect of them – especially at ten bucks!

Opening Whistler 07-08

Well, it’s almost three weeks since our Thanksgiving early season snowboard trip to Whistler so I guess i’ll start writing some stuff.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Started with a mad dash to get home from work, grab a bite to eat, jump in shower, grab gear, and drive with my mom to the airport. We’re on the earlier flight out, so don’t have luxury of taking as much time. Traffic is light and I arrive with plenty of time. The much warned about crowds at the airport were non-existant. The rest of the crew soon shows up and we are processed with utmost efficiency by the Chinese Air Canada agent. No idle chit chat, but damn she gets the job done fast and right!

We’ve got time to kill so we browse the usual newstands. I pick up a normal auto magazine, none of the import ones caught my eye this time, and Dave of course bought a gun magazine. Sorry, no Soldier of Fortune. And I grab a bottled water. How much for a pack of double A batteries? I still think the ban on liquids carried through security is a conspiracy with the concession vendors. We cruise over to the Duty Frees in search of a Tiki for Derek. After he finds one he’s happy with, we head to our gate. 

 Plane is being loaded, there’s a good number of people in the holding area. The same agent who processed our check in is now here and takes charge of the gate, and take charge she does. She announces the seats for boarding and she makes sure its done right. Your seat number not called yet? you aren’t going in, dufus! We don’t mind waiting. Better to cruise out here in the spacious lounge than stand in the narrow aisles waiting for the people up front to get out of the way. 

We’re on the plane soon enough and seated. The seats aren’t luxury by any stretch, but at least I can’t feel the metal bars under my arse. Check out the movies. Ugh, they’re quite weak. Just as well, will attempt to sleep. Departure is uneventful. Beverage service starts. Damn, only Molson Canadian? Still good stuff, but was hoping for other selections too. Hitting some bumps, but got my beer, and food is coming soon. Dave raves about the beef, so we go for the beef instead of the lasgna selection. Smells pretty good. Beef stew with mash potatoes, steamed veggies, salad, dinner roll and guava cake. It is all actually quite good. I have to admit that this is probably one of the best airplane meals I’ve had. The salad greens were fresh and a nice assortment, not dessicated cut up squares of iceberg. Roll soft, the stew quite tasty, the carrots and string beans accompanying were not overcooked mush. And the guava cake was yummy.

The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful. Managed to get some fitful sleep, but the seats were super uncomfortable for sleeping. I swear I was waking up every half hour shifting positions in a vain attempt at some comfort, but I must have dozed off some because the flight went by pretty fast. Being the early redeye flight, it was sometime after 0500 Vancouver time as we started our approach.

Soggy Socks

Marathon escorts.jpgThe weather looked pretty nice when I rolled out of my driveway at 03:00.  Coming over the Like Like, the weather was still good.  I had high hopes for the first dry marathon in years, but as soon as I hit Manoa, the freeway turned wet, and I knew it was not to be.  Continue reading ‘Soggy Socks’

Once a Year

Geezus, I can’t beleive I woke up this early. Not even to try get first tracks snowboarding do I wake up this early. May grumble about doing the wheelchair marathon escort, but I have to admit its pretty cool. The weather this time around is very doubtful. We just got through a bout of heavy rains, but yesterday (a scant three hours ago) was blue skies here. Throughout the night has been sporatic showers and in fact a squal just came through. Forecast calls for similar during event. We’ll see if it turns into the sloshy shoefest of how many years back. I couldn’t find my Rattail rear fender to put on, so it looks like that’ll offset Dave’s fender and it will rain.


sealaunchSeaLaunch Odyssey was at Pier 10, Honolulu Harbour on Monday. It had been on station to launch the Thuraya-3 Satellite, but they experienced weather issues that forced them to scrub the launch. Thuraya-3 will extend Thuraya coverage into Asia beyond “the sandbox”.


Odyssey is the launch platform for the SeaLaunch system. It was built upon a very large oil drilling platform, and then supersized. Driving past on nimitz there is no way you could miss this, its HUGE. They were just in for a day to get fuel, and were gone by the end of the day.



blast shield


SeaLaunch has had a difficult year. In January, they had a serious malfunction of the launch vehicle, resulting in the complete destruction of the blast shield. It was replaced in Hong Kong, and this launch would have been the first since the accident.

Marathon men

This is the first December in a long time that I will not be in Japan, so Mitch volunteered me for the Honolulu Marathon wheelchair division bike escort.  What has it been – three years?  I have to change the tires on the Bridgestone MB-1 and put  the light brackets and computer on tonight at McBike, but other than that, I’m good to go.  The pre-event meeting was this past Monday.  Same as usual.  Root will be in this time too (hopefully), but Ckucke and Chris will be out.

Oh, yeah – I have to remember to put on my front fender – maybe that’ll keep it from raining on Sunday!


A month later, the new Sears/Enersys Diehard Platinum battery in the FJ80 is still cranking like it wants the starter to spin the crankshaft out the front of the engine.  I swear the the starter has never turned that fast ever!  Looks like this one is a winner.  I’ll post an update in a year unless it goes bad earlier and I get all pissed off and rant about it…

Original post here


On Monday, I was driving up Punchbowl passing Queen’s, and there were these four people standing below the ER where the parking ramp goes underground.  Big dude, big lady, big daughter, and little grandchild in a stroller.  All four of them were smoking (the two adults and the one underaged teen were actively smoking – the baby was passively smoking).  They really just don’t see it.

 “Ho - what wen’ happen to auntie fo’ da’ ambulance go come bring her hea’?”

“Her emphesema stay ack up.” 

“How come?”


Something like that…Â