The last time Fabio joined the manga/anime geeks from Collector Maniacs for a late dinner at Big City Diner in Kaimuki, he got a burger that was either poorly engineered, designed, or assembled. As soon as he tried to pick it up, it fell apart, making him explode with anger just like Steve Wilkos! Continue reading ‘Angry Food’
Monthly Archive for January, 2008
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Just watched the legitimate release of the 2006 Kyoto Animation version of Kanon. Root had given me the older 2002 Toei Animation version as fansubs years ago and I liked the general premise, but remake version is definitely better in both writing and animation quality. ADV Films, who did the legit release of the Air series for the USDM has released the first 4-episode volume of Kanon, with the second volume due out in February. Continue reading ‘Omoidasenai Machi – Kanon TV 2006’
After watching the disappointing first half of the Hawaii-Georgia Sugar Bowl game, I started flipping back and forth to the one-day-late KIKU-TV telecast of the Kohaku Uta-Gassen. There wasn’t anything good per-se, but it reinforced some judgements that I had from before: Continue reading ’58th Annual Kohaku Uta-Gassen’
Well, so much for ambitious thought of hiking up Koko Crater in the dark to catch the sunrise from it’s peak. Didn’t get around to scouting the route and location before hand. Somehow I figured wouldn’t make it. But I went with my fallback plan of driving to Koko Head park and walking to just above the new dirt jump park and overlook the shooting range. I scoped it out last year and figured it a good location. Last year I went to Lanai Lookout and it was a good spot, but you need to go early as parking fills up. This spot is clear, just a single handful of people strolling by. Besides, it makes for more interesting picture than from the lookout. Anyway, it’s another year gone by. Pretty status quo. Here’s to another year!