So we had the somewhat annual ignore the Super Bowl gathering at Greg’s place. Well, Greg actually follows football so he kinda gives a hoot. Us, I didn’t know this particular game was happening until the email went out Friday. An excuse to get together, eat badly, and drink. Polish sausage, a 6 lb ham, chicken wings, some potato rolls, Doritos, oh look, throw some corn and some bell pepper & onions on the grill, those are veggies! And we only had one beer, split between the four of us even! Â So it was a slightly big can….
Anyway, the game was actually fairly entertaining. I found the halftime entertainment to be fairly weak. Some commercials were pretty good. I think Amp won pretty well for a memorable commercial that also came at the end of the game. Come on, jumper cable clamps on nipples. That’s pretty good.
We hung out at Greg’s for a good number of hours later, having the energy sucked out of us by his kids. Derek has a theory that kids are little energy suctions that are powered by adults. Adults don’t have to do anything, but they’ll get tired just being around kids as they suck the energy.
It was a nice evening and tomorrow being a workday we all call it a night and head out. Lo and behold I get into the FX, start er up, and flick on the lights to see the headlights come on for a split second and go dark. D*mn! Both of them and I jiggle the bulb sockets for good measure. Doesn’t look like it’s the bulbs or sockets. What a pain. I decide to chance driving home. I stick to surface streets and pull into gas station at Kahala with better lighting. Relay and fuses look ok. Grr. I cautiously drive all the way home. Didn’t occur to me to try high beams until I get home and look at the wiring diagram. They work. So somethings probably wrong with the switch or wiring in the controll stalk. Sheesh. I have the luxury of using my dad’s truck so I think I’ll wait till tomorrow. I’m feeling pretty lethargic from all that food and perhaps the beer has given me a headache. Argh. I’ll need to get back to work on the cars, I’ve been neglecting it since the trip and all.
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