So did they let all the wacky/crazy/stoopid people out from wherever it is they are suppoese to be locked away and give them all cars to drive for the day?
This morning, I had this “unlicensed Polynesian contractor” make a left turn into the oncoming traffic in the contra-flow lane on Nimitz from the right traffic lane right in front of me in the left lane! He did a good job testing the ABS on the new work van, and made everything in back that was on a pallet become not on a pallet anymore.
Thank you!
After returning to the warehouse to use the forklift to put everything back onto pallets, I left Kakaako and experienced something poetic. The syllable count is all wrong, and there is no reference to the season, but here is my haiku:
Four white vans at a four-way-stop
Three do not know what to do
Welcome to Cooke StreetÂ
I saw a good one too. On Young St. Koko Head bound coming to Piikoi intersection. Late afternoon so Piikoi is already backed up. I’m four cars back. Light turns green for us, but the cars in front waiting to turn left onto Piikoi can’t because it’s not clear. The ‘ron in the Mercedes in front of me goes left over the yellow center, this is the oncoming lane for us in USA, to get around the two cars waiting at the intersection and then stops at the intersection because cross street Piikoi is full anyway. WTF?!