So woke up at 7AM on a Saturday to get to Ckucky’s by 8:30. Dang, it was like going to work! Anyway, Ckucky and I joined Scat in his rowdy sled to go down to the Hawaii Convention Center and check out the classic car auction that was being held. It was an interesting experience. Not exactly sure if worth the ten bucks, but then again you can barely see a movie at a theater for ten bucks anymore, and we spent over two hours there. Ckucky was interested to see how much this Camaro would fetch, he saw it listed earlier in Craigslist. Don’t worry, yours is going to be nicer, because it’s yours!
This Swedish Volvo command car thing was pretty trippy, much larger when you see it in person! Had some cobbed in parts and what looked like some Chevy V8 conversion. Too bad.
And then there was the “Yamazaki” T-Bird. Gotta love it! There was also some pedestrian vehicles that made you wonder what they were doing here, but someone wanted them. Like the Dodge Ram disco van. All it needed was a disco ball.
 Scat was agonizing over this Oldsmobile 88. He had seen someone just buy it. Looks like they turned right around & sold it. It seems to have been sold the first day so we never found out for how much.
Ckucky was practically springing one for this Studebaker pickup. It was very nicely done. Very clean, quality. Nothing outrageous.
We only stuck around for the early part of bidding so didn’t really see how much a lot of these vehicles went for. Still it was intersting to see. And look at a couple of the wierd oddball vehicles that were there too.
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