Sheesh. Taking a dinner break here. Getting case of vibro arms.
So here’s a tip for all you car monkeys, when you sit around grinding and cutting metal bits, try to keep away from your car, or rather your car paint. I have just spent all day buffing and picking out rusty metal filings from the paint of my car. I’m pretty sure it’s from when I was cutting those vacuum pipes a few weeks ago and I didn’t realize it was getting all over the car. After getting the nice pretty wheels on yesterday and waking up early on a Sunday (how’d that happen? Let’s just say wine has an effect of putting me to sleep & had some with dinner last night), I decided to wash the car. That’s when I discovered the tiny little rusty specks sticking all over. Ugh. Thank budha that I have the power buffer, there is absolutely no way I could have done as much in this one day without it, and I would seriously have had jelly arms. Sorry Miyagi-san, I fail, turn-on, turn-off.
Okay, time to go back outside for the final buff on the hood, then sealant the finish.
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