Talking bike with Chris all afternoon inspired me to get out and take a spin yesterday.  Scat and Root were going to hit the jumps, but I didn’t get the email about that until after noon yesterday, so I didn’t have my ridy kit with me. The sun was still high when I got home, but it was overcast and a little windy out. The Moment was as it was after the last ride. The shifting was fine and the suspension felt nice… the back brake felt a little pumped-up though – I’ll have to check that out later. I did my normal loop, but from the top of WCC, I saw that the State or C & C workers had cleared away a lot of brush, African Tulip trees, and invasive Albizia trees on the hill behind the District park pool. Root and I explored this hill many years ago and found several well-used trails. In recent years, the hill had become overgrown, thus attracting wild chickens and druggies, so I hadn’t ridden there in a while. The brush clearing has made it at least unattractive to the crack-heads and paint-sniffers, so I took a spin up the steep, chicken-infested hill to check things out. The trails were still there, but there was a lot of trash scattered about. I might have to add that back into my neighborhood rides – the rooty melaleuca climb, the scenic hilltop, the moonscape chicken drop-in. I went back to WCC and did a couple more laps before heading home.
D = 11.88 km (7.38-miles), Vavr = 16.7 km/h (10.4 mph), Vmax = 36.6 km/h (22.7 mph), T = 42-minutes
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