No, this doesn’t have anything to do with BTK. Two Sunday’s ago, the 16th, we decided to do an afternoon ride at Maunawili. We meet at the usual parking in Waimanalo, and then this strange pale guy shows up and wants to ride. Fortunately he’s a cool guy, not some annoying freaky guy, and he can ride pretty good too. He’s been cooped up for too long and in need of some release. Weather’s cooperating and we have a nice overcast and windy day for riding. As opposed to last week, the bikes are decked out with some fair amount of tech. I’m riding the most retro bike as a hardtail with V brakes and an annoyingly clunky Marzocchi fork.
We head out on the ditch trail. It’s dry and also bumpier. The horse hooves made deep impression where the dirt was wet and soft, and then dried to ass numbing bumps. It’s a nice pretty easy pace. We’re all not in high shape, out for a fun ride. And with the cloud cover and winds, it’s definitely not as hot. We turn around and hit the high trail, gives us some fun rocky downhill and take a bar break.
The high trail has some steep climbs, involving pushing, but they don’t go on forever, and they reward with fun downhills, and the new playground area. All too soon were back on the main ditch trail. I do a total target fixation at the base of one of the curves with rain groove and do a low speed topple over. No big harm done, except for feeling like a dweeb as two other riders we encountered earlier cruise by. Better than the guy I saw yesterday at stoplight in Waikiki on road bike with tennis shoes who toppled over. I don’t think he even had toe straps, but I could have been mistaken.
Getting close to the end of ditch, we decide to explore a side trail that heads up one of the ridges. It’s pretty well used, but narrow. It opens up into a dirt moonscapey area, that is very steep. Looks like it’s been foottraffic only. Chris and I notice a seat cushion on the side of the trail, I though I caught a glimpse of something else on the other side of the trail. We push on to see what’s furthur on. We come to a big tree that has planks nailed to for platforms. Looks like kids come up here to play around. The trail continues, but it rapidly closes in. I’m not sure, but I think I heard that phrase “it’s always easier to go on than down” uttered by someone.
It soon turned extremly steep and vegetated in. It finally got ridiculous and we abandoned the bikes to seek on ahead to see what it was like.
It only got more ridiculous. We were wondering if we’d join up with Government road. It looks like we were well above Government road now! Might end up at Derek’s house if we keep going! We finally turn around, collect the bikes and head back down. We stop and take a breather at the tree.
 We ride down to the moonscape area, where I spot what I’d seen earlier. A bodyboard, the heck? Dude, it looks like kids have been riding down the hill on that!
 I think I owe Chris a dollar. It didn’t take much convincing for him to give it a try! We all had a go at it. Quite fun! Kinda that feeling of impending doom as you slide down the dirt with basically no control over what the board want to do.
That capped the ride and we rode back onto the main trail and out. Our little adventure took quite a bit of effort and we were satisfied. We passed on the other loop trail. It was a good ride.
D = 10.09 km (6.27-miles) Vavr = 9.8 km/h (6.1 mph), Vmax = 38.6 km/h (24.0 mph), T = 1-hour, 1-minute (total ride/sillyness time approximately 3-hours)
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