The Monday night St. Louis ride pared down to Root and me, with Ckucke away in Lost Wages, and Chris and JT having prior commitments. Just about 16:00, the skies over Honolulu went black and squalls of heavy rain fell. Although momentary, the grey over the mountaintops promised more of the same, and if nothing else the trail was going to be panko. Â
I called Root and told him I was going home, but if the weather was good on the windward side, we could still do some secret training. The weather was indeed nice, so I geared up with the light, anticipating a longer-than-usual ride if Root showed up. I did my regular run over to WCC and rode laps. The sky went from blue to twilight orange, then descended into darkness. Taro called and got my voicejail and said that he got stuck late at work, so couldn’t make it. A white veil of rain crossed the valley, so after a couple of laps in t he rain, I decided to dig.
D = 16.17 km (10.05-miles), Vavr = 18.2 km/h (11.3 mph), Vmax = 37.3 km/h (23.2 mph), T = 53-minutes
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