It was overcast on Wednesday, but not threatening rain like on Monday, so I went out for a spin. The eye-candy level was higher than average.  The two weeks off the bike when the weather was bad made last Saturday’s ride punishing, so I wanted to turn in some distance during the week to bring the conditioning back up. I would have kept on riding if I had clear lenses. The Rampage tires climbed slip-free up the Chicken Trail backwards. No problems on the loose leaves or rolly branches. Some kids have put up some pallets in the moonscape area as an airsoft battlefield. I hope I can ride again on Friday…
D = 17.48 km (10.86-miles), Vavr = 18.3 km/h (11.3 mph), Vmax = 42.6 km/h (26.5 mph), T = 57-minutes
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