JT was out sick and Chris was “baking brownies†(is that some kind of euphemism for something?), so they missed this Sunday’s ride. Considering the heavy sweating they had to endure on last week’s ride, this one would have put them over the top. The skies were overcast, and the forecast return of the Easterlies did not come to pass. Dr. Paul joined Jeff, Sara, Ckucke, Root, and me for the humid torment. The Albizia trees were still going off, so my allergies fired up immediately. We did the enhanced loop like last week, but futzed around a little more on the upper Kalanianaole side – mostly climbing up to the view points and backtracking. Nobody wanted to go “down†anything because of the prospect of climbing back up. The cardiac arrest climb was as heinous as usual, but it didn’t feel like I was literally going to die at the top like last time. Root got a service call from his job while we were recovering at the tree. It was that kaiten sushi chain asking, “how come we can’t print?†We dropped back down to the ditch via the flailing fat guy singletrack, and did the inner loop and side loop.Â
On the way back out, we ran into gummy yellow dog poop on the trail. There were a pair of equestrians on the trail with a pitbull – they were the most likely culprits (especially since there was no dog poop on the way up). If urban dog walkers are legally obligated to pick up after their animals, there should be some rule about equestrians and trail dog walkers picking up after their animals. This is especially important with horses, since horse poop can carry hepatitis. Ckucke and I ran into the rotten-banana-like dog slurry, but some scraping with twigs and rinsing with the leftover reservoir water cleared the tire treads. Back at the base, there was a good poop smell going – Jeff, Sara, or Dr. Paul had hit it also. My face was burning from the sweat and my nose was running from the pollen. I ended up washing the bike when I got home in case there was some poop I didn’t see.
Pictures here
D = 11.81 km (7.34-miles), Vavr = 9.7 km/h (6.0 mph), Vmax = 28.2 km/h (17.5 mph), ride time = 1-hour, 13-minutes (actual trail time approximately 3-hours)
Yyyuuuuck! Doesn’t sound like I missed out on much.
Thanks for letting me join all of you on the sweaty and stooly ride even though I had to walk most of the steeper ups and downs. Man, you youngsters have some cardiac reserve! Should know better than to believe Jeff when he says he’ll take it easy.
After all that horsey and doggy poo, it might be a good time to try Megabucks in Vegas while wearing MTB shoes..
Hum, still would have rather been at the bike ride rather then at Waterfront Park for the impromptu birthday party marred by the Micronesian dad who was beating his kid with a rock (We missed that part).
I’ll bring some diapers and wet wipes next time…
For the feculent bikes or for the beaten Micronesian kid?