Saturday was rainy just around ride time, so the ride was called. Of course it cleared up soon thereafter and turned sunny and blue. Sunday was better, but the group was thinned out. Jeff and Sara went surfing, Chris was preparing for Chase’s first year baby luau, Ckucke was off-island, and JT was busy scatolizing. That left Root and me. While I was waiting at the trailhead and playing with a wandering dog, he called. He was already late and I expected him to cancel out or something. He was just running late. I thought I heard him say “weâ€, which made me think that maybe JT had at the last minute decided to join the ride. It would explain the delay. This of course wasn’t the case: It was just wishful thinking.
Root showed up and we hit the trail. The weather was overcast, maybe a little more than last week. Unlike any time in the past several rides, there was actually a fairly good breeze going. With just the two of us and smooth, dry trail conditions, we were able to keep up a very good pace. The areas in the understory of the Albizia trees were thickly coated in fallen yellow flowers. Although it loosened the surface a little, it was better than having the flowers dumping clouds of pollen like during the past few rides. We the normal loop, the inner loop, and the side loop, pausing for a tube chance on Government Road when Root got a front flat from valve stem separation. The trail was free of dog poop, but there was some fresh horse poop. On the way out of the inner loop, we ran across a group of 3 equestrians – not the two we occasionally see out there.
Around an hour after we finished the ride and started the drive home, the sky darkened and a heavy rain squall descended on the Koolaus from Makapuu to the Pali. Our timing couldn’t have been more perfect!
More pictures here
I forgot to put the computer back on the handlebars, so there is only anecdotal data:
D = approximately 17.5 km (10.9-miles), Vavr = faster than normal, Vmax = faster than normal, T = approximately 1-hour riding time (total trail time approximately 2 hours)
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