The Koni Sport one way adjustable struts arrived yesterday. I was wondering if it was my complete order as the box looked rather small. It was just that they were all crammed in, no padding to speak of. Set of two struts per logo box. Here’s the contents of the rear strut inserts showing one strut. To install these, you need to take your old strut assembly and cut the top of, drill a hole in bottom, pull out all the old bits, then insert this new strut, and bolt it in through the bottom.
So earlier in the day I took an old set of struts over to Ckucky’s to undo the top nut and drain the rears. Drilled hole in side and was wondering if we’d get sprayed by oil from letting the nitrogen goodness out. Either the pressure is low, or the goodness had left already, no oil showers.
Discovered why when I first got this FX why it was so friggen low, the coil had been cut! There goes my plan of attempting to sell these. I was already dubious on the size when I unpacked the new struts. Looking at the old casing it was really not looking good. Unless the casing was made of some pretty thin metal, it wasn’t going to fit. In any case I took a pipe cutter to the case & cut the top off. Deburring, I took calipers to it & measured. Nope, those new inserts are not going to fit. Curses!
The front strut housings are designed with a removable top and insert. The KYBs that I pulled out are same size as the new Koni’s, no problems fitting these. Appears one of these KYB’s is bad, shaft doesn’t extend back out on it’s own, and damping definitely feels different. No problem, they’re getting trashed anyway. Makes me wonder how my current KYBs I’m running right now are faring.
So now I have to figure out what to do about the rears. Guess I’ll be doing a junkyard run tomorrow to try and source some OEM rear strut casings. Should of yanked them from that FX16 we found at junkyard back a while ago. Oh well. These Euro’s seem to like wordless picto instructions. Here we have the stumpy leg technician telling Mr. Coat you must proudly afix this puffy ‘Koni Improved’ decal underneath your car.
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