Cotton candy is fairy floss in Australia. WTF!?
(0)Monthly Archive for June, 2008
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Ugh. Time to try and figure out what’s going on with the starter on the FX. A while back I was having chronic hot start problems, or so I thought. Went through a bit of work to put new starter on the opposite side of the engine away from the exhaust. Seems to have been okay for a while, but a couple weeks back I had yet another instance of non-start with hot engine. Popping the hood and waiting for twenty minutes or so seemed to fix it. Then a couple days ago it happened in the morning with totally cold engine. WTF? I twidled with some of the wiring in the engine bay. It eventually started and I drove to work. Didn’t have problems with it throughout the day, then in the evening after hanging out at Collector Maniac the boys were going to eat at FTP tiki burgers at Ala Moana. Damn it, the starter won’t go. Tried popping hood and let things cool more, twidled with wiring, noticed the starter solenoid wire has a rat bite in it, but all to no avail. Luckily I was parallel parked on the street pointing downhill, so just letting the brake out let me easily roll into the street and gain momentum to do a bump start. Phoned the boys I would be heading straight home. Continue reading ‘Electric Gremlins’
Don’t look at me: I didn’t do it! That’s how they spell it at Cooke Street Diner. It’s the regulation rice, hamburger patty, cooked egg and gravy, but you can opt in for brown rice instead of white, and get tossed greens on the side instead of macaroni salad. It’s as healthy as a Loco Moco can possibly be. The salad greens and dressing were good as usual, and the rice was rice. The hamburger meat was a little on the dry, overcooked side, but was still flavorful. There was a good chunk of mystery gristle or vein that got wedged between two of my teeth that took a while for me to wiggle/scrape/pry out (no floss at work). The egg is cooked how you like it, in my case “over easy”. The egg was nicely cooked – still white on both sides, still runny inside: It was not all brown and crispy/burnt around the edges from being fried in too much oil at too high a temperature (ala Zippy’s). The gravy was familiar from some of their other dishes like the meatloaf. I give it a B- overall. Slightly better ground beef in the hamburger patty and maybe more careful preparation of the patty (not overcooked) would have raised the score, but it was well within spec for the $5.50 USD including tax. Continue reading ‘Loco Moko’
Stopped by Chinatown Boardroom yesterday on the way home for the opening of the group art show “Bizarre Bazaarâ€. Jackie and Eric greeted me and invited me to take a look at the pieces. I haven’t been around in a while, so it was nice that they still recognized me. There were some interesting works, notably Kris Higa’s cute yet disturbing comic art piece, Kandi Everett’s wonderful watercolor, and Maile Yawata’s ceramic pieces. Otto had a framed 3D multimedia piece, and Hal Lum had a smaller, dark work set in a deep frame – a lot different than the pieces he had shown at the downtown TCMHI gallery last year. My cousin John Koga was present with a gilded plaster piece, and a framed, fleshtoned foray into the booby theme that has haunted some of his past works. There were some interesting ink-line on painted background pieces toward the back right of the shop, but I can’t recall who did them. Continue reading ‘Bizarre Bazaar’
Madam Pele had swathed O’ahu in a thick blanket of itchy vog. Throats scratched, heads hurt, and sinuses throbbed. The days were gray, albeit with some interesting light patterns as the vog diffused the sunlight. Occasionally, as the sun reached out for the horizon, it looked like an flaming orange. Sadly, it would quickly hide behind the impenetrable vog.
Despite the dire warnings of the well gelled talking hair on the evening news, the call went out for a ride on Friday night.
Slightly different group this time, Foes was off island, looking at the cool cars. Home Grown was in, as was Svelte Turner and Mr. Moment and Mrs. Ventana. Rounding out the group was the Yeti, able to be out and play for the evening. The other Mr. Moment was at home, listening to the anal rendition of Elton John’s ‘Rocket Man’. Bad news indeed. Continue reading ‘the wool blanket ride’
Had lunch again at Cooke Street Diner. This time it was Pork Adobo. If you don’t happen to know what adobo is, it is a Filipino-style dish consisting of meat (usually chicken or pork) that is deboned and cubed, then browned in a skillet then stewed in vinegar and soy sauce. It is generally spiced with black pepper and bay leaves (laurel). Like the meat loaf I had several weeks back, the adobo was very good. The brown rice was fine. This time there was a creamy vinaigrette dressing on the salad greens. My co-workers had picked up my plate while I was out of the office, so by the time I returned, the greens had wilted a bit and browned from being trapped in the hot, vinegary atmosphere of the closed plate lunch tray. Since I wasn’t there this time, I don’t know how the customer service aspect went on this occasion. Same $6.23 USD including tax as the meat loaf.
Three and a half out of four grinning monkeys
Dont forget to take the time to remember the thousands that died this day in 1989 fighting for freedom.
Pardon the mess while we reorganize some things, and hopefully make the site pretty. Dont worry though, none of the asinine commentary you’ve come to enjoy will be lost!