Finally had the last temporary Mountain Dew flavor, the darker blue “Voltageâ€. The label calls the flavor “raspberry/citrusâ€. It’s about the same sweetness as “Revolutionâ€, so it is sweeter than “Supernovaâ€. The raspberry flavor is the predominant one, but that is more a smell than taste thing. If you pinch your nose, the citrus comes out more. There is less of that chemical aftertaste than “Supernovaâ€. Not bad. Better than “Revolutionâ€? Hmm… Definitely better than “Supernovaâ€. I’d probably pick this one as my favorite of the three if pressed to choose one. It is the most “Dew-like†since it has a citrus base flavor. Between this and a regular Dew, I’d take the real Dew!
Recommended with reservations
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