Sunday was amazingly hot. It was on the warm side all weekend, but a nearly cloudless sky allowed the sun to bring the air up to oven temperature by mid morning. Granted it was uncomfortable, but it sounded better to be outside in the wind than inside in a hot house. Just getting my gear together made me run with sweat.
The nearly vertical curtain of the Ko’olaus were sunlit from overhead – the deep folds of the pleated stone cast black with shadows. The vog was long gone, but the intensity of the sunlight still excited the molecules in the air to a thin blue haze. Ckucke and Scat were taking refuge from the sun when I pulled up. I knew there would be at least one, “and we are doing this why?†When Jeff, Sara, and Danny rolled in, I got it from everybody. Black doggy buddy started down the street to say, “hi,†but the heat turned him back. He lingered briefly in the shade of a Java plum tree halfway down the street, but dejectedly returned home, bouncing gingerly on the hot asphalt. Root called to say he was running late, so we retreated under the cover of the trees just inside the trailhead gate. Continue reading ‘Ride, Rode, Rid’