Ugh. So I ran down to Redline Automotive to pick up a waterpump for the FX. Spun by AM Sears to also buy one of those Diehard Platinum AGM batteries for the AE86 since they finally got them back in stock and I’ll need to move it. Get home, install battery, AE86 starts right up. Move cars, pull FX in. Start on removing the old water pump. In the process I get a chest full of radiator fluid from when the pump finally pops apart and dumps it’s contents out on me, yum. Aside from that it goes relatively painlessly. Once I get things out, I look at the old pump and start to get a sneaking suspicion. The water stains on the outside don’t look right for a failing waterpump, which usually starts leaking out the weep hole(s). There’s some more waterstains on the block that don’t look quite right. In any case, I have a new pump. This AC Delco replacement has a plastic impeller, interesting. It makes it lighter, and I imagine won’t rust like the original iron impellers
. I also discover the pulley’s got a bunch of ugly holes drilled in it. I can’t figure out why, only thing I can think of it’s an ugly and feeble attempt at lightening the pulley. I can’t imagine this being balanced. Anyway, I don’t have another one handy at the moment, so it goes back on. With everything finally back together, I fill up the radiator. Just about ready for the moment of truth when I check everything over and see a new puddle under the car. Curses! My earlier suspicions were correct, the leak was coming from the water outlet fitting above the water pump. The knocking about & prying to install the pump and alternator must have opened up the leak more because now it was obvious where the leak was coming from. Damn, it’s late, I don’t have gaskets, time to call it a night. I’ll have to go to Toyota tomorrow and pray they have the parts.
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