“Deth March†was the subject line of the e-mail that went around for this Saturday’s ride, so it went without question that a certain amount of suffering would be involved. The plan was to do the complete Demon trail loop, but heavy rain on Friday made us switch to our backup plan of a long ride at Wailuna. I had it set in my mind to link the Wailuna ascent, Waimano Ridge trail, and Waimano Mystery hills into a loop. We have ridden all of the pieces, but never together as a complete circuit. Jeff, Sara, Root, and I have been up Waimano Ridge from Waimano Home Road all the way to the Wailuna trail. Chris and I have been up Mystery Hills to Waimano Ridge, but we went down the trail to Waimano Loop Trail and sortied that way. Continue reading ‘Mystery Hills Upper Loop’
Monthly Archive for September, 2008
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Saw a messenger-type guy trying to draft a bus down Nimitz this morning. He had no understanding of spin as he was bouncing in his seat as he piston-pumped his pedals. I was about to make a snide “fixie” comment when he started coasting – he was a “fixie wannabe”!
(0)After the conclusion of this year’s Okinawa Festival, I was quite roasted having spent pretty much the entire days there out in the sun. I felt in dire need of some beerage, and air conditioning. Fabio and I started going over options for the Kaimuki area. Bulging forehead vein burgers at Big City came up. Food options there didn’t appeal this evening, and if anything, the a/c is TOO much there for shorts and t-shirts. Fabio mentioned the place Koh no Tori next to Imanas Tei by Pucks Alley. The description perked my interest, well priced izakayaish tidbits. Then thought of Tokkuri Tei. Tokkuri Tei is one of the places that for years I’ve been saying should try. I heard good things about it, but never got around to going there. Continue reading ‘Tokkuri Tei’
Does Kid Rock not see the irony about invoking CCR’s “Sweet Home Alabama” in a song about growing up in “Northern Michigan”? WTF?!
(0)Saw a white Nissan GT-R this morning headed freeway-bound on Punchbowl. Didn’t see the plates, so I couldn’t tell if it was from a dealer here or brought in from the contiguous 48. Big. Rather ugly.