Tuesday really didn’t start out as a bad day – it was a normal, non-descript, plain day: Nothing really good happened, but neither did anything really terrible happen. After finishing up at “real†work, I headed over to McBike. The traffic was average too. When I got in and went down to the Pit, I saw Kevyn’s Santa Cruz there. He had joined us on Sunday for an afternoon Maunawili ride, and the master cylinder on the front Hayes brake got blown-up on a crash on the Drop-in of Death. I put the bike in the workstand and took the front brake channel off and started taking it apart. I figured it would be just a case of straightening out the mangled e-clip that holds the works together, reassemble, and re-bleed the system. Of course, nothing goes as planned…
The E-clip was fairly well mangled and coned-out. The flat washer that backs-up the clip and holds back the ball-end of the pushrod was a cone also. I fiddled with the e-clip a bit before turning my attention to the washer. All the internals looked good, so after getting everything flattened and cleaned up and dry-fit, I went back to the e-clip.
The e-clip immediately vanished. It dropped from my brake fluid-covered fingers and bounced somewhere, assumedly under the roll-away under my toolbox. I looked around briefly before going for the Surefire to help make the tiny metal piece visible. Kevyn and I spent the better part of an hour searching for the clip to no avail. I planned on checking for a replacement at City Mill or Home Despot the next day – the stress of hunting for the lost clip was just not worth it. I tried to put it out of my mind on the drive home. That one almost warranted a “stress†beer, but I decided to postpone it until after the brake was rebuilt and have a “victory†beer instead!
Tools required:
2mm hex wrench (reach adjuster)
4mm hex wrench (perch bolts)
5mm hex wrench (caliper mounting bolts)
1/8†drift punch or similar (lever pivot pin)
10mm open-end wrench (compression fitting)
13mm open-end wrench (master cylinder nut)
#1 Phillips screwdriver (lever bleed screw)
Small adjustable wrench (caliper bleed nipple)
Hayes brake bleed kit
Supplies required:
7/16†inside e-clip
DOT 4 brake fluid
Hayes compression olive (if the hose can’t be yanked off the barb fitting on the master cylinder)
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