This is the Fartmaster. He was in the seat a row in front of Fabio and me on the plane ride back from Vancouver. Throughout the flight, he issued forth the heavy feculent blasts of an impending dump, but waited until near landing before he actually got up and heeded the warning of the turtle head and went to the washroom. Even after deplaning, his inconsiderate actions continued. At the baggage claim carousel, he did a panic-grab for his bag, reaching over a family that was waiting patiently for their lugggage. As he tugged his bag from the upper part of the carousel belt, it swung down like a pendulum of death, hitting the family’s toddler boy in the arm and almost knocking him down. In the verbal exchange that followed, he refused to apologise, and intimated that it was the family’s fault because they were blocking his access to the carousel.
Props to the kid who didn’t cry even though shocked and hurt! Props to the parents, who after checking to see that their kid was OK, just blew off the idiot and didn’t let him ruin their vacation.
Wanker. I shoulda farted in his face. I’m suprised you didnt find a way to whack him with something.
What a douchebag! Makes the 3 ADHD kids near us seem pretty bearable.