Met Ckucke and JT for a climb up Tantalus. Root got busy at work at the last minute, so he didn’t make the start. I was rolling some new slicks to take some of the resistance off. It was indeed easier and the control was better, but the comfort level decreased by an amount inversely proportional to the increase in performance. Being Kuhio Day, the bottom of Makiki Heights Drive was heavily infested with road bikers, so we parked down on Makiki Street, lengthening the ride a little. With the lower rolling resistance and some new pavement above Euco, I was able to push a couple gears higher than with the 1.85 Hutchinson Scorpions. As usual, my legs burnt, my lungs exploded, my heart pounded, and my lower back knotted up. The swarm or roadies were sessioning the circuit between the one-lane bridge and the top parking area. We rested briefly after reaching the top, paid our respects to hopping rooster, then descended backtracking down Tantalus Drive instead of dropping Roundtop Drive.Â
(The following figures have been corrected to reflect the correct tire size. The figures originally published were artificially high because the computer was set assuming a 26 x 1.85 tire)
D = 15.86 km (9.86-miles), Vavr = 17.15 km/h (10.65-mph), Vmax = 58.9 km/h (36.6-mph), T = 56-minutes (climb = 42-minutes/descent = 14-minutes)
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