Hooray! It’s finally out! I picked it up on release day so I could catch up on those episodes I missed on TV and rewatch those where I came away with, “huh? what?”. All 13 episodes of season three are presented in letterbox high-definition (the first two seasons were produced in standard definition, so don’t expect a BRD re-release of those). The extras are limited to deleted scenes (which basically amount to the recorded dialogue with storyboard art), and commentary tracks. It’s all so gloriously wrong! It’s the only US-produced animation that I watch regularly – maybe religiously. The quality hasn’t degraded over the seasons, probably because the creative team has remained intact, and the network hasn’t gone all Nazi on them like Nickelodeon did on Ren and Stimpy.
The Bluray includes a soundtrack CD. It’s great commuting music, and several choice tracks would probably make it onto my media player if I happened to listen to music while snowboarding! Oh… BTW, the packaging indicates “uncensored”, and it is indeed uncensored. All the bad language is left intact! If the sight of swinging male genitalia bothers you, be aware that this too is uncensored! There’s almost as much man-sausage as one of “those” anime, but they are fully exposed, rather than being obscured by being hidden inside of something…Â
About $40 USD street price. Buy here
Four out of four popcorn munching monkeys
Highly Recommended
What about Doctor Girlfried? Do we see her nekkid?
There’s a “nippl-slip” that didn’t appear in the broadcast version. That single instance of partial female nudity doesn’t balance out the extensive gallery of full-frontal man-sausage shots, though. WTF?!
I’m a little salty that they didn’t resolve her “I’m a…” line at the end of season 2. WTF?!