Where the heck did the vast throngs of roadies from last week go? Did the event they were training for pass already? There were maybe half-a-dozen other cyclists out today when Chris joined Scat, Root, Ckucke, and me for a Thursday afternoon grind up Tantalus. This time up, Tantalus Drive had been repaved all the way down to the junction with Makiki Heights Drive. This made the tough part of the climb up to Euco much nicer, but the new pavement was already littered with twigs, leaves, and other junk along the edges. JT, Ckucke, and Chris dropped me just after the last house, and were out of sight by the top of Euco. My back hurt as usual, but I was feeling pretty good, and my legs were able to push a little harder. I did a lot more standing climbing in the steeper sections. I made the top a little over a minute faster. JT had apparently even dropped Chris and Ckucke! Chris had ridden up on Wednesday, so we let him choose the way down. He had backtracked down yesterday, so we chose to drop down Roundtop Drive. This was a slightly longer route, but the long straights allowed for a higher top speed, so we made the circuit in exactly the same time as last week.
At the bottom, I realized I had not reset the wheel circumference on the computer to match the new 26 x 1.25 Serfas Barista tires. I have corrected the distance figures below to reflect the new tire size.
D = 16.59 km (10.31-miles), Vavr = 17.6 km/h (11.0-mph), Vmax = 67.5 km/h (42.0-mph), T = 56-minutes (climb = 41-minutes/descent = 15-minutes)
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