The AE86 is rolling again! This past weekend was spent changing the brake rotors and pads in preparation of going for safety check. Things conspired to keep me from taking the car out to break in until tonight. I recharged the battery too, so the car started right up. Didn’t sound or smell beautiful, but it was running.
The brakes before were lousy, and there’s no surprise looking at how crusty they were. Here we got the rear on the left, and the front here to the right. Discovered the front rotors are a little more involved to replace than on my other Corolla. You have to take the hub off. There’s only a sheet metal cap, cotter pin, and a 22mm nut holding it on, seems like not much, but I guess it works.
Had to go McCully bike and buy me a springy scale thingy to measure bearing preload. I like tools. I got to try out my magnetic base runout measurey thingy too!Â
So after that was taken care of, now I got some shiny parts on this car,
yay! Oh, and if there’s anyone else with one of these Corollas curious about the parts, I list what I used and their part #’s.
Front bearing seal: National 1950 (crosses to Chicago Rawhide/SKF 16032).
Front rotor- SP Performance, slotted, nickle plated: T52-1424-P.
Front pads- Hawk HPS: HB202F.580.
Rear rotor- SP Performance, slotted, nickle plated: T52-1854-P.
Rear pads- Hawk HPS: HB203F.550.
I noted the bearing #’s also but did not replace them.
Outer: NSK 11749.
Inner Koyo L45449.
Oh yeah, it stops better now. I rate this as a pretty easy job, an advanced beginner repair. Oh, turning in the rear pistons was a pain though since I did not have the appropriate SST. Ended up breaking my snapring pliers.
Did you change the rear axle bearings and seals? By the amount of fluid seeping out between the axle shaft center and the disc rotor hat, there might be an issue in there (like when fluid started coming out of the end of my semi-floating FJ80 axle).
…or is that just saturated with Kroil?
Kroil, the oil that kreeps!