Had this hoppy Pilsen from VBL Tien Giang Limited, Vietnam with dinner at Hale Vietnam. This beer has a convoluted history, originally being a product of the Lao Brewing Company in Laos until 1990, but now produced by various breweries and sold in various idiosyncratic markets around the world. The particular USDM-labeled specimen I had was labeled that it was brewed in Vietnam. It still had the LBC tiger logo, but it was all-red, instead of the brown tiger inside a red circle that is the current LBC logo.
The initial taste was full and moderately malty. There was a honey-sweet hop aroma not unlike Grolsch or other similar Dutch Pilsens, but unlike Grolsch, “33†Export was a touch more bitter. There was the sweet aroma, but no sweet taste. The finish was clean with a lingering bitter. The level of carbonation seems to fluctuate. Taro had one too, and his had strings of bubbles like Champagne, whereas mine had an initial bloom of bubbles when poured, but this quickly subsided. I’m not sure if this was a glass issue, a bottle issue, a storage issue, or a quality control issue. My beer was fine – it wasn’t flat or otherwise unacceptable.
Brewed in Vietnam (the ones imported into the USDM anyway)
4.5% ABV
Three out of four drunken monkeys
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