I had the meatloaf from Tsukenjo’s today. I was disappointed. The quantity was large, but the general quality was marginal. There weren’t a lot of fillers in the meat itself, but there also wasn’t a whole lot of flavor other than salt and beef tallow. Even the abundant brown gravy didn’t save it. The entrée gets a C. The “tossed salad†was chopped cabbage with one fleck of watercress and French dressing. Whee. The salad gets a D. The rice was bony and dried up along the edges of the scoops. Rice gets a C-. Give this one a pass and try something else like the roast pork.
Of all the meatloaf plates I’ve had in the Kakaako area, by and far the best is Cooke Street Diner’s “Mama’s Meatloafâ€. This is seriously a maboroshi dish – it is not a regular menu item, and if they feel like making it, they often sell out by noon. The ingredient quality and care of preparation on this meatloaf is outstanding. Second best is the one from the lunch wagon on Ilaniwai between Cooke and Kamani. This one is sometimes a little dry, but the flavor is very good.
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